What Men Should Wear To E3
Xbox 666
The big video game expo Triple E also known as E3 is almost upon us. For all the mans out there who plan on attending and getting their game on, it can be a hard decision deciding what to wear. You have to wear the right attire or you will not be taken seriously. Do not wear what you usually wear or try to look sexy, you will be arrested. Instead, here are some suggestions of things that you can wear:
- Shame-tarp
- Bag
- Barrel like in old-time cartoons
- Michelin Man costume
- Sandwich board that says "I AM A MAN. DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME."
- Snuggie
- Green lycra body suit so your disgusting body can be easily edited out of convention footage
- Giant tube (no eyeholes)
- Full-body cast
- Spacesuit (tinted visor)
You can try variations on these outfits for each day of the Expo but let's not go crazy here.
Happy gaming!